Monday, February 11, 2008


BUDDY turned 7 in December. He is in 1st grade and loves it - which is quite refreshing after Kindergarten. His teacher said he's very obedient and always tries to include everyone. He's getting so much better at reading and likes to read us random words. He loves dinosaurs - and has MANY of them - and stuffed animals - especially dogs. His favorite color is orange and he enjoys playing the computer and Vtec. He's a great big brother. He's great friends with Noodle and is so good with Lewlew. He's considerate of others and has a testimony of prayer. He says if you're afraid your giong to have a bad dream, just ask Heavenly Father to stay with you through the night and then go home in the morning. "And He does." It's very touching to hear him say it. Even though he loves his mom and dad, he has a special bond with his Nana.

NOODLE will be 5 in March and her favorite color is pink. She's very much a girl. She loves to dress up, put on make-up, wear "crack-crakes," wear jewelry, whatever. If we make it through the day wil only 2 changes of clothes, we're doing good. She is in pre-school every morning and loves it! She loves to sing and does ALL the time. If she doesn't know the words, she makes them up. If she can't think of a tune, she makes one up. She likes going to church and primary. She wears her CTR ring most of the time. I'm just waiting until it turns her finger green. Noodle is a great helper. She's quite the mother hen and keeps me informed on all comings and goings. She loves her dad, there is no doubt, but she usually turns to her mom and best friend. We have been "best friends" for a while now and I love it. Many times she calls me "best friend" instead of "mom." And recently we added Lewlew into our circle of "best friends."

LEWLEW turned 2 in November and we think her favorite color is purple, but sometimes it's pink, too. She's usually quite a happy child. She smiles all the time. Sometimes she smiles a closed mouth smile that reminds me of my teasing Grandpa Bud. She does have a knack for teasing. She has an amazing ability to ignore anyone. She likes her binks and we are now down to only at nap time and bed time. Hopefully we'll brake her of it - eventually. The thing is, I'm scared of an Lewlew without her binks. When she's upset, her binks really calm her down. She's begining to follow in her sisters footsteps in liking to dress up. She brings me her church shoes and want to wear them all the time. She loves and knows all the Disney Princess and likes to read about them. Books are her favorite. She LOVES to go to nursery and sing and play with toys. She loves her Mom, that's obvious, but given the choice, she'd rather have her Daddy.

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