Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fruits of our Elbow Greese!

This is from just 1 picking of our garden. I'm impressed! The garden work worked out well this year. Every week the kids and I weeded our garden. There wasn't even much complaining. We knew that every Tuesday morning we'd be up early and weed until it was done. Because of my new best friend (you're still my best BEST, Bestie) Preen we didn't have tons and tons! So sometimes I made up things for us to do if weeding didn't take long enough. All in all, I can't complain.

So after having all of these tomatoes I decided to bottle them. They'll be good in recipe's this winter! Noodle donned her apron (or my apron) and jumped right in. She wanted to do every step of the process - at least once. Although cutting the tomatoes wasn't her forte'!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

That's awesome! So far we've only had some cucumbers (which none of us like to eat! Why did we plant them?) We do have about a hundred watermelons that are still out there ripening. FYI - watermelons take over the garden and nothing else will grow. . . except some stupid cucumbers that no one will eat. :)