Friday, December 2, 2011

A Story of a Girl and Her Teeth - or Lack Thereof

When Lewlew started losing teeth, she REALLY lost some teeth!

She lost this one (her upper right) biting into a corn dog on 11/12/11
She lost this one (her lower right) eating chicken on 11/21/11.

Bret and I pulled this one (her upper left) with pliers as she slept on 11/30/11. Don't worry, it woke her up and it bled more than the other two. But the next morning her memory was fuzzy because I said she lost it in her sleep and she looked at me funny but didn't say anything.


Ammy said...

SO why did you pull her tooth in her sleep?? Just curious!

Sandi said...

Because her adult tooth was coming in so it was VERY importante the baby tooth come out. But it was still fairly attached on one side. We tried to pull it when she was awake, but not luck. SO we just did it when she was sleeping.