Thursday, February 2, 2012

Here We Go Again...

My mom usually picks up the kids from school on Wednesdays. Because Lewlew was at a play-date she was going to pick her up to. About 2:05, the dad of Lewlew's friend called and said they were ready for me to pick up Lew. So I said ok and that my mom would be picking up my other 2 kids from school at 2:15 and then she'd pick up Lewlew. About 2:20 a teacher called and said Buddy was in the bathroom sick and that I needed to bring him a change of clothes. So because my mom didn't have her cell phone with her, I couldn't tell her what was going on. So I left in a hurry to pick up Lewlew first (it was on the way to the school). She was chipper and chatted the whole time about how much fun she had playing. When I got to the school, my mom was 5 minutes away from panic because Buddy hadn't come out yet and Noodle couldn't find him in the school. I quickly told her what was going on, she took the girls home and I went in to get Buddy. I took Buddy home and got him settled and then I went to the store to get some Sprite for his tummy. While I was gone. Lewlew told my mom she was tired - strange. When I got  home Lewlew told me she was tired and her throat hurt. So I changed her clothes and noticed she was running a fever. Wonderful! I put her on my bed and she went to sleep shortly after. Buddy, in the meantime, was becoming quite comfortable in the bathroom. Poor guy! About 7 I gave Lewlew some medicine - she was SO hot and complaining about her throat and she went back to sleep. She woke up again for about 1 1/2 hours and felt fair - thank you med's - and then went back to sleep. Buddy was asleep about 8:30. He woke up at 11:00 throwing up and again about midnight, then slept until 5:30. Lewlew was up at 2:30 crying with a sore throat. I gave her some more meds and eventually she went back to sleep.
This morning, Buddy is doing better - hasn't thrown up since midnight. But he still doesn't feel well - but better than yesterday. Lewlew is still very sick. I'm taking her into the doc at 1:50. I'm thinking strep - something I'm prone to getting and it is all encompassing when I get strep. I'm out for 7 to 10 days. I'm REALLY hoping I don't get strep. This would be so bad!
So here's my question - why are my kids getting sick so often? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? This is ridiculous! We have never had a string of sickness like this before. I don't know what to do except just "Keep on keepin' on."

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Awww, sick kiddos are NO fun! It's so hard to watch them have to deal with something and know there's not much you can do for them but help them wait it out. I doubt it's something that you guys are doing wrong, sometimes (especially when all the kids are in school) one bug just goes through the house and then a new one joins just as the last one's leaving. I know this is not really an option for most people, but taking my kids out of school has really helped with keeping them healthy. They each had strep several times a year and poor Cash, who was a baby at the time, was sick the ENTIRE first year of his life. It was horrible! I definitely don't miss that. You're probably already doing this, but washing hands right when we get inside the house seems to help a lot too. No matter where we've been - just outside playing or to the store - the kids know they have to wash their hands right when we get inside. I have some friends that keep a huge bottle of hand sanitizer in their van and the second the kids get in they have to sanitize.

I hope the kiddos get to feeling better soon and especially that you don't get Strep! Good luck!