Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Back To School

After one of the most laid back summers we have ever had, the kids went back to school yesterday. We spent most of Thursday school hopping to get them ready.

First we went to Noodle's school so she could get her schedule and set up her locker. We were hoping by doing this we could by-pass her Back to School night. No such luck. We got her schedule, set up her locker and then we were off - only to return a few hours later.

Then the kids and I met with Buddy's school counselor and she showed us (most importantly, Buddy) where all of his classes are and we were able to meet several of his teachers. That was nice for him. To be able to see the school, his classes with a much smaller group. He didn't like it and barely spoke, but we made it through.

From there we stopped to the kids could get some fro-yo and then dropped Lew off at Bret's office so he could take her to Back to School night at her school. Buddy and Noodle went with me for a quick dash to Wal-Mart.

See the lighted chandelier? Crazy!
I dropped Buddy off at home with instructions to start dinner and I took Noodle back to school for Back to School night - so she could meet her teachers and find out if there is anything else she needs for school. We made sure her lighted chandelier is working properly and that everything (her locker shelf, mirror, white board, markers, trash can, animal crackers, Dr. Pepper) in her locker was all set. Finally we were able to go home.

It was a crazy day.
You can tell who's not in the best mood!
Sunday night, Buddy had a bit of anxiety, but went to sleep fairly well. Monday morning came - too early imho, and everyone got ready for the big day. We took pics and Bret was able to walk Buddy (across the street) to school. They parted ways at the front door of the school and Buddy went into class. On his lunch break, he called, Bret, my mom and me. Poor guy. When he got home, he rushed to give me a solid hug. He didn't cry (which surprised me) but it was obvious that it wasn't an easy day for him. He said it was really different and scary. I'm so glad that he recognized it wasn't bad, it was just different. A change. But dang. My heart hurt for him. I just wanted to cry for him. I just want to do it for him. I just want some things to be easy for him. I fear he will struggle his entire life. And I just want there to be enough good that he can get through the bad. I just want him to see the good. Realize there are worse things, people in worse shape, etc. But oh how my heart aches for him.

Noodle, of course, had a terrific day! She said it was as if she'd never had a summer break. Everything was the same. Guess junior high has lost some of it's luster. Last year she had so many classes with so many familiar faces. Apparently there are more options for 8th graders because she has hardly any classes with friends - which is good because it gives her the opportunity to make new (and I hope) better friends. She has friends and she's a likable girl, she just longs for that one. Ya know? That one who is her bestie. That one that is there no matter what. That one she calls/texts everything to. That one. I remember wanting that as well. While I had some great friends it took me 30 years to find that one. (not including my husband). And several years after that to find another. Don't get me wrong. I had friends through school. And my freshman year, I had that one. And I had another one my junior year and sorta my senior year. And today, I barely keep up with them through FB and Christmas Cards, if we're lucky. And I realize that happens in life. But I'd love for all of my kids to have that one, now, while they're in school. But sometimes when you're looking too hard, you miss what is right in front of you.

Lewlew had a great day as well. She's decided that maybe her teacher won't be so bad after all. Her new teacher is obsessed with Harry Potter and Lew has never even seen the movies, much less read the books. And her teacher also has a doctorate and insists on being called Dr. instead of Ms. or Mrs. So that's weird to her. But she's got some familiar faces in her class and I hope she too can find a really good friend who wants to be her friend as much as Lew want her to be - if that makes sense.

School is such a difficult time for kids - and you never know what is going on when school is not in session. I just read on FB that a girl I went to HS with - who I thought had it going on, was totally cool and stuff - hated school. Cried nearly everyday after school. I had no idea. I always thought she had it all pulled together. School is one of those necessary evils. We all had (or have) to do it and my kids will survive and be better because of it. But still, it's hard to send your sweet kids to the harsh, cold, cruel world of school. That's why it's important for us as parents, to make home a soft, warm, sweet place. A place where chores and homework still must be done. (Blast it all!)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

One Last Hoo-rah!!

We left Thursday night to go to our family cabin a little over an hour away. We invited Val and Tom to go with us. Tom couldn't come up until Saturday morning, but Val was having none of that so she drove up with us. We stopped Htown on our way and got dinner to take with us. Once we got there, we quickly unloaded everything, put the cold things in the fridge, put on a movie and ate while we watched to movie.

On Friday morning, we ate breakfast, lazed around, got dressed at our leisure and watched movies. In the afternoon, Val, Noodle, Lewlew and I went into Ktown. We needed to get just a few things, potatoes, Dr. Pepper, etc. On our way we stopped at a yard sale. Lew found a karaoke machine for $8, Noodle found a plaster Ape that she got for Bret for $.25, Val got an animal print bag and a table for her daughter. So then she had to call Tom and tell him to either clean out the back of their 4-Runner or bring up a trailer. When she told him that she and I went yard saling, his response was a sarcastic, "Ho-ly Sh*!" We laughed!

We got back to the cabin, fixed hamburgers, corn on the cob, pasta salad and chips for dinner and watched more movies.

Saturday Bret took Buddy fishing. They caught 14 fish!! He said they lost track of who caught how many. Last year, Bret caught 3 and Buddy caught 9. That is a great fishing hole, though I wish the fish were a bit bigger. Bret fixed a few for Tom, Buddy and himself and we froze the rest to have at home.

Tom got there and fixed us breakfast. Oh, his hash browns are so dang yummy! Oh, my goodness, they were good! Then we watched movies, napped, watched movies, snacked, watched movies, ate taco soup for dinner, watched movies and then went to bed.

Sunday we got up and had left overs for breakfast watched one last movie, packed up, cleaned the cabin and drove home.

All of us - including Dusty!

The temperatures were cool - not too hot during the day and cool at night. The company was perfect. The kids got along. The movies were good. The relaxation was awesome! We love going to the cabin and are so grateful for it. There are many who are not as fortunate. We were glad our friends were able to come up with us. They came with us years ago, but I'll have to look in my scrapbook for the date, but I think it was 2011. We'd love to be able to go again before snow flies - so here's hoping!

Me and Val!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I don't know how long this will last, or how frequent it will happen, but I've decided to blog again. If for no other reason than to journal things in our lives. I'll be making changes and updating some things on the blog in the next little while as time allows. So here we go!

On July 25 my MIL passed away after being in the ICU for 2 weeks. She had been sick for quite a while, but not that sick. She really went down hill the last 6 weeks, but still. She'd seen her doc 3 times and there was no definite answers. Once in the ICU, tests were done and they found an abscess in her abdomen 13 cm in diameter. If she didn't have surgery, the infection would take her life. If she did have surgery, she a) may not make it through b) would definitely have a very long slow recovery c) she would likely not recover to what she was pre-downhill slope. Eric opted for the surgery. So 2 days after she went into the ICU she had surgery. 4 days later, they closed the incision. By this point she'd been in ICU for 1 week. Through the next week, there were many ups and downs. It was very emotionally draining. Her good days were so far from what was actually "good" that to call them good days should have been more appropriately called a fraction better than yesterday.

During this time Mandi came in from Virginia. She stayed with Eric and was a help to him. Bret went to the hospital every day during his lunch and many times after work. I joined him a couple of times. On Sunday morning - after 2 weeks - the docs sat Eric and Mandi down to give them the not good details. There was another scan on Mary and they found *another abscess - which would require surgery. During the scan *blood clots were found in all 4 of her extremities and never in 30 years of doing this has the doc seen that nor had he seen as *many blood clots. Since surgery, over a week ago, they haven't been able to get Mary off the *respirator. Her *kidneys were failing and she'd very soon need dialysis. Things looked very grim.

After much thought and consideration, Eric opted to discontinue any and all life saving devises and meds. He and the kids decided it would happen the following morning. On that Sunday a nurse asked Mary if she knew where she was. She nodded yes. He asked her if she knew how sick she was. She nodded yes. Then he asked her if she was afraid to die, she nodded no.

On Monday morning, Eric spent an hour with her before the kids showed up. The respirator and all meds were removed and they waited. She was slightly "with it." Sort of opening her eyes. However, most of the time Bret said he didn't think she knew they were there. But there were brief moments that he said she definitely knew what was going on. Not exactly how you plan these things. When machines are turned off, the patient is supposed to be out of it or in a significant amount of pain. So this was more difficult.

After 5 1/2 hours, her heart beat for the last time and she exhaled her last breath. Finally, she was at ease. Finally she was at peace. But oh the heart ache that was left behind.

I didn't have a great relationship with Mary. I loved her as Bret's mom, as my children's grandmother. So the emotion I felt wasn't necessarily for me, but for my dear husband, our kids, Eric, for Taina's kids - who just a couple of weeks earlier lost their grandpa. And oh, did my husband mourn the loss of his mom. He still does.

Just last night we spent the evening at Big Springs (up the canyon) in remembrance of Grandma Ruth Tuttle's birthday. It's really an excuse for the family to get together. Once in the car on the way home, Bret admitted how odd it felt not having his mom there and knowing she just wasn't at home, ill. And he was right. It was odd seeing Eric alone. It's just 1 more thing to have to get used to.

Grief is a strange duck. It comes up when we least expect it. And I suspect I'll be seeing more of it as the time goes on. My heart continues to ache as I don't know how to best help my Love. I guess there really isn't anything, just be there, support and listen.

That's all for now. I have several topics on my mind that I will hopefully get to in the near future.
Best wishes to all!