Friday, August 15, 2008

Garden Varity

The other night for dinner we had hamburgers and hot dogs, corn on the cob from our neighbors garden and a cucumber, some tomatoes, acorn squash and green beans from our garden. It was so cool too eat all of these things that we grew and took care of. The kids have a GREAT time looking for ripe things to pick. They even weed for short periods of time. Our garden isn't very big this year, but I'm hoping next year we'll get a bigger one.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

MMMM!! I love fresh stuff from the garden. My favorite is zucchini. We haven't had a garden for a few years b/c the water pump broke and I'm too lazy to haul water from the house. I think it's time to get a new one since it never stays fixed. Thanks for your comment. I do cry every once in a while now that I'm older I guess. The past 6years have brought it out in me. I just don't cry when normal people do. Random commercials on TV bring it on, but funerals and testimony meeting never do.(well once in a while). I do remember that silly song we made up. It seems like we were going somewhere. And the rap about Grandma and Grandpa that we love so well. Good Times!!!!