Sunday, August 17, 2008

Twlight Movie

Fantastic News Twlight Fans! Here is an exact quote from Stephenie Meyer's web site:

Movie News Flash!
So, many of you have heard that the release of the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, has been moved from this Thanksgiving to next summer. First and foremost, please know that this schedule change has absolutely nothing to do with Twilight, me, or Summit Films (so enough with the imdb death wishes, okay?). This is Warner Bros. decision, and it was not motivated by anything Twilight-related.
Now for the good news! Though we're all sad to have to wait for Harry Potter, this open spot at the theater creates a cool opportunity. The good people at Summit were thrilled to let me know that now Twilight fans are going to get their movie three weeks earlier than scheduled. That's right—Twilight will be released in theaters November 21st! Let the merry-making commence!

I can hardly wait. I truly am sorry for all you Harry Potter fans. I like those movies, too. However, I'm very happy that something exceptionally great can happen because of the delay!
At the risk of showing my age: what does she mean when she says "imdb"?


Nancy said...

I heard that the other day. While I'm sad that we have to wait for Harry, I'm more excited to watch Twilight. When I first read it I thought it would make a good movie. I even had characters picked out. They didn't use any of my actors, but I know it will be GOOD. My moms RS book club is reading Twilight. Can you imagine Elizabeth Anderson reading it! I think it's a good book but she's grandma peggy's age. Kinda funny, they will all probably really like it.

Ammy said...

imbd is the Internet Movie database...I think. I have in one of my favorites on my can look up a TON of stuff from this site.

Unknown said...

YEAH!!! Ha Ha I am sooo excited!