Saturday, February 21, 2009


Contrary to popular opinion, I am NOT pregnant and probably will never be again. So now that's out in the open PLEASE STOP ASKING ME!!! (I have had 2 people - 1 stranger and 1 ward member in the last 3 days ask me when my baby is due!) BTW: I will be fiercely exercising and eating better so there won't be much reason to speculate in the future. Just give me a couple months to see the results!!!


j e s s i e said...

That is a cardinal rule:
Don't even ask unless they have said they are!
I like your cute family pictures on the side. You have an adorable family!
How did you like Taken?

Tuttles said...

Ugh! So annoying! Why do people even ask if they don't know!

Jeni said...


PS said...

That sucks. The same thing happened to my sister-in-law three different people asked her and she is not either.