Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pine Wood Derby...

So I know I'm just a tad behind things, but Buddy had his Pine Wood Derby in January. It was his first one and he had a blast! I was impressed with the way "they" did it. They didn't give out 1st 2nd or 3rd. Everyone got to race once on each of the 4 tracks. Then before it started the boys voted on the cars - like which one was the best looking, the most colorful, most creative, etc. Then at the end, EVERY boy received a certificate. So everyone won. Of course the dad's that mad the cars for the boys didn't like this - but I did. Buddy did the majority of his car. Bret helped, but this was Buddy's project. And that's the was it's supposed to be. It was frustrating to me to watch some of the dad's (one even took a day off from work to work on the car - gag me!) But it was fun for the boys.

His car was painted like one of the Transfromers.


Lori said...

I hear the pine wood derby gets pretty serious. I dread the day chance starts scout. I don't know why i guess i served in primary too long and scouts is a big deal (a lot of work) anyway you have to watch those dad's. a day off work that is stupid. HAHA

Jeni said...

He looks so proud!!! How awesome!