Thursday, April 9, 2009

The things they say...

Yesterday, I was trying very hard to get a dress finished when I heard Noodle and Lewlew arguing. I let this spat go on longer than normal because I was busy. Finally Noodle came in with Lewlew right behind her. Noodle kept saying "Leave me alone for a minute. I'm trying to think." So I stopped and asked Noodle what was going on. Apparently Lewlew wanted a crown Noodle was wearing. Noodle didn't want to give it up and was thinking of what Jesus would do. (What?? FHE lessons are sinking in?? No way! :) ) I told her she didn't have to give the crown to Lewlew, (Noodle had it first and Lewlew was being a grouch!) but the choice was hers. In the end, she gave the crown to Lewlew so she would "be quiet." Now I'm a little torn. I'm glad Noodle went through the thought process, but Noodle shouldn't feel like she has to always give in to Lewlew - just because Lewlew throws a screaming, bawling fit. But then again, there are some times when Noodle doesn't give in - no matter what. So I guess Noodle can (and does) pick her battles.

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