Friday, April 24, 2009


There seems to have been a lot of talk on hope lately. ie. conference, sac. meeting, etc. (Or maybe I've been "hearing" a lot about hope.) Until recently, I've not had much of a reason for hope. I have faith in things - but I always thought hope was fake or artificial. To me it was like cheering for your favorite team on a game that was recorded 2 nights ago. After listening to these talks, I realize that hope is very real. It is very important to have hope. Hope springs life eternal - or something like that. At church a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine mentioned my little pea spouts that I have coming up. He asked me if it gave me hope. I thought about it for a long time. He's right. Seeing my little seeds begin to sprout up gives me much hope. After the trials that we have faced lately, I realize that not only do I have faith, I have hope and a lot of it. Hope - it certainly gives me lots of things to think about.


Tuttles said...

Thanks for that, Sandi.

j e s s i e said...

Great post!

I love the power that comes with hope