Monday, September 14, 2009

The happenings...

There is a reason I haven't posted in a while (not that many people noticed) and here it is! A couple weeks ago, my friend decided to give her kitchen cabinets a face lift. So we took off all the doors and repainted the "background." Then we sanded the doors, filled in some places and sanded them again. Then we lacquered them. WOW - they look GREAT!

So she put me in the mood for home improvements. So I decided to rip out the carpet in the study, sand the floor and finish it. Well about half way through, I decided that if I was going through all this work, I should re-finish the living room and hall floor too. Ya, me and my big ideas! I'm glad we did it, but o my gosh was it a LOT more work than I bargained for. So ripping out the carpet and pad was NOT a big deal. (Gross carpet!)
But the floor was a mess. The previous owner had put what looked like carpet tiles on the floor. So the whole floor was covered in this yucky black adhesive that we had to scrape off. So NOT fun or easy. It took for stinking ever. We couldn't sand it off because it was gumming up the sander.
Anyway, once we got that done,
we had to sand it.
And then we had to fill it. The entire floor looked like this.
Then we had to sand it again.
Then we had to screen it, and put the first of 2 coats on the study. (the LR and hall only needed one coat)
Once it dried, we screened it again and screened the living room and hall floor, then finally put the final coat on. Then of course we couldn't walk on it for 24 hours, only light traffic (no shoes) for 72 hours.
Worth it??? O-yeah!
Finally, our furniture is back in. I haven't got all the breakables in place, but we're living in it. And BOY is it gorgeous!! It was WELL worth the work and headaches! A HUGE thanks to Tom who did the screening and "painting." We couldn't have done it without you!


Anonymous said...

WOW That looks great! I have had many of those bright ideas before and ya they always suck but the end result is always worth the headaches.

Ammy said...

It looks really nice...I would love hard wood floors in my house.

Jeni said...

Those look awesome!!!! Sounds like a ton of work but you guys did a great job - especially when you compare the before and after. Wow!

Kristin said...

they look amazing. Worth the work for sure.

Lori said...

I have not been on anyone's blog forever so I am a little slow!! I love love the floor. it is so beautiful i would love them in our home. good job