Monday, November 16, 2009

New Moon

Just wondering who has New Moon tickets, when you're going, and who has NO interest in it at all. Just for the record, I really like the Twilight series (and "The Host" as well), but I am NOT, however, a big fan of Rob Patinson and really not Kristen Stewart. I do think Kellan Lutz is a hottie. Having said that, I am really excited to see the movie. Would you like to know if I have tickets already?????


Amanda said...

everyone has told me to read this but I haven't gotten around to it. My sister jillian let me borrow the first book and sadly its still in my closet. I want to read them because ever says they can't put them down but I am not sure...I would like to see the movie but want to read the books first. Are you going? Its a huge thing here in Burley and I feel a little left out now :)

Sandi said...

What??? You haven't read them? How can that be? JK! I am going. My friend and I are going to at 12:01 AM showing. I know, it's like we're still kids, but it's still fun. We get some strange looks, but it's fun to do once in a while! You really should read them. Once you get started, you'll be hooked. They really read fast. Good luck - and let me know what you think.

Jeni said...

I'm going at midnight too! I loved the books but thought the first movie was pretty lame. My friends totally talked me into going to this one. It'll be fun no matter what the movie's like though.