Sunday, November 29, 2009


At Buddy and Noodle's school (and several school schools around here), there is a contest called Reflections with several categories to enter. The theme this year was "Beauty is..." Both Buddy and Noodle entered the photography category and Noodle won!! So now her picture goes on to regional. Yea!! That's so exciting for her - heartbreaking for Buddy though. But he handled it well! He won a couple of years ago.

Buddy entered this one, entitled "Beauty Is...A Self Makeover."

Noodle entered this one entitled "Beauty Is...A Mother's Love"

We're excited for her and to see how far she goes. This is a picture of a lady from our ward with her baby. Without making this too long, she nearly died 2ce when she had him in July. She flat lined 2ce and had to have 8 pints of blood and 4 (I think) of platelets. When they first check the baby and he couldn't move his left side. But the next day he was completely fine. It was VERY scary. But gratefully they both are fine!

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