Friday, November 5, 2010

30 Day of Graditude!

30 Things I'm Thankful For - in NO particular order:

1. Moden Medicine

2. My house

3. Central heating- that when I'm cold, I can turn up the heat instead of hunting around in the snow for some wood to burn - like the Pioneers. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a wood burning stove.

4. Central Air - so I don't have to suffer in the summer.

5. Our health

6. Bret's jobs

7. Extended family

8. Our eyesight

9. Our hearing

10. Our perfectly working bodies

11. Diet Coke

12. The USA/Freedom

13. Indoor plumbing

14. Our vehicles

15. The cabin

16. Joseph Smith and family

17. The Pioneers

18. Electricity

19. YM/YW Program

20. Scouts

21. Primary

22. Bestie

23. Maggie

24. My mom

25. Buddy

26. Noodle

27. Lewlew

28. Hubs

29. The Gospel

30. My testimony

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