Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can it be??

It can't possible be 5 years already. I checked the birth certificate and did the math. Then I had Bret and my mom check my math. Yep, Lewlew is 5 years old today. It's almost unbelievable to me. I see pictures of her when she was 3 and I think that is her today. Where has the time gone?? She is very excited to not be 4 anymore. She woke up very happy today (not a surprise - she's a morning kid). Everyone she has talked to, she has been VERY excited and louder than usual. We are going to "McDonald's with the slide" for dinner tonight. As for me? I've know this day was coming and yet I still shed a few tears. I can't really pinpoint why I'm emotional. I guess it's a combo of a lot of things. *A good friend of mine has a friend who just lost their 3 year old to inoperable brain cancer. *Lewlew wasn't supposed to be my baby. *I feel like the time is going by so fast and I'm missing so much. *Not only are my kids getting older, but so am I! *We are moving into a new era of our lives and I'm not sure I'm ready to leave this one. However, there are advantages to having older younger kids. Camping is SO much easier! Going to the store, or anywhere for that matter, is much easier and faster. They can all put on their own coats and shoes, etc. NO DIAPERS!!!! I do have almost 2 hours to myself Tues thru Fri. Sometimes that's not such a good thing, but most of the time it is. They are bigger helpers now - but not as much as I'd like them to be :)
To summarize, it doesn't matter how I feel, Lewlew is still 5 today, Austin will be 10 in a month and Emma will be 8 in 4 months. Time still moves on. I am grateful for all of them. They truly are my blessings!

1 comment:

Becca said...

I remember when Emma was potty training and wearing Austin's underwear that had a "pocket." :)