Monday, May 5, 2008

Chloe is no more....

Well we no longer have a dog. Our sweet

Chloe Rae Tuttle

died last week. She was a Golden Lab and was 8 years old. She had hip displasia (sp) and tried to bite our bishop in his own yard. Then about 10 days later, she nearly bit another neighbor. But yet with us she was so mellow. Lewlew would crawl all over and when Chloe got tired of it she would walk away. But we didn't want to wait until she tried to bite a child. We had 2 close calls and it was just a little scary for us. We're thankful she didn't bite anyone, but still, she tried, which is bad enough. We're going to take a dog brake for a while. Buddy and Noodle haven't said much, they didn't even cry. We miss her but not as much as I thought we would.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Awww. Hope the kids are o.k!