Sunday, June 14, 2009

In My Lovely Garden

Last fall while Hubs was at work, I borrowed a sod cutter from a friend (thanks McKay) and amidst may questions and weird looks, I cut out some of our front lawn. (It's in our front yard but on the side - no directly in FRONT of our house.) I added mulch and let it set through the winter. This spring, with much advise from a neighbor gardener extraordinaire, I planted a garden. Here is some of the fruits of our elbow grease. I'm so glad I did it. I don't have 1 regret. Since then there have been 2 others in our neighborhood who have taken lawn out of their front yards to put in a garden. (Our backyards are just too shady!) I'm also VERY thankful for a husband who doesn't detest weeding. Thank you Hubs, for your many hours of weeding! We've already picked a couple of peas - but sadly we won't get many more of those. We have many green tomatoes and a few pumpkin blossoms. Not to mention all the other stuff.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

That is so awesome! Way to go!