Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Weekend...

Over the 4th of July weekend, we went to our family cabin. All of Bret's sister's were there - it was great!! Most of the weekend we just hung out, ate, watched movies, worked on a puzzle, read, but on Friday (7/3) we went to the North Provo River Falls. It was SO pretty. The falls were incredible. The kids had a blast playing in the freezing cold water and throwing rocks.

This is just one part of the falls.

This is Hubs's parents. Mary celebrated her 60th birthday on the 4th of July and Eric celebrated his 62nd on the 5th of July. Click on my "brag blog" to see the quilt I made for Mary's birthday. (I don't know how to do the "here" thing.)

Here is Mandi, Hubs, Taina and Gina. Taina is the oldest, then Gina, Bret and then Mandi. Don't ask me why they didn't stand in order :)

Here are the cute ones. Notice the wet spot on Buddy's shirt and Lewlew's rolled up pants!

Another shot of the falls.



Lewlew playing "Pooh Sticks"


Lori said...

Looks like fun. I love love love waterfalls they are my most favorite part of nature.

Jeni said...

Wow - so beautiful! Are you guys going to Colorado for the 24th? We'll (me and the kids) be there so call me at Granny's if you guys will be there too!

Kristin said...

Looks like you had a fun 4th. The falls are beautiful.