Friday, July 24, 2009


First off, I'm feeling a little melancholy. Today my home town of about 1000 people are having their Pioneer Day Celebration. I haven't been to it in a few years and I miss it! I wish we could have gone - but let's not get into that! I keep going over the events in my head. At 6 AM the dynamite went off. At 10 AM the parade started. After the parade the hamburger stand would be packed. At 1:30 PM the rodeo started. Then a little later the carnival would be fun. I just keep thinking of all the people that are there and all of those "home" for the festivities! Wow, I miss it!

On another note - I'm so emotional, I hope I can get through this. A week ago today, my good friend went into the hospital to be induced with her 4th child. To make a VERY long story short, she hemorrhaged, the doctors had to revive her twice, they gave her 12 bags of blood and 5 bags of plasma - but amazing enough, she's alive and came home from the hospital 4 days later. Her beautiful baby is doing just fine - after some pretty serious scares. My heart is so grateful that she is ok. Every time I think of it, tears come to my eyes. She was so very close, twice, to dying. I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers and I'm so thankful he answered them in the way we wanted him to.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Oh my goodness. I'm so glad your friend and her baby are o.k. That is so scary!