Friday, May 21, 2010


So I mowed our lawn today. I really don't mind mowing lawns (except my in-laws. I didn't mind mowing their lawn until I saw a snake skin. Then someone slipped and told me they had seen a snake in their yard. When I confronted Mister about it, he said he killed that water snake. I still think there is at least 1 snake still roaming around their yard. That did it for me. I cannot mow their lawn. 2 years ago, I got all siked up about mowing their lawn for Bret for Father's Day - he usually mows their lawn. I got all the way to my car and couldn't go. I just couldn't bear the thought of running into a snake. Ok now back to my original thought.) The lawn looks so good freshly mowed. It looks SO much better than it did when we first moved in. And I'm impressed with us - that we made such an improvement in our yard. But that stupid weed eater/edger I cannot bring myself to running. I'm afraid of it. Now, let me be clear. I only want to edge up against the swing set and around things that the lawn mower can't reach. So it's not that much, but I am so afraid of it. So sorry, Honey, I have failed you once again. I will really try to get beyond my fear and master the edging. I will try.

On another yard note: I have planted grape vines and I think the wild grass is crowding them out. I have pulled all of the grass around the vines on my side of the fence - so I can't do much more. Hopefully they'll pull through and flourish this year!

The garden is coming along. A BIG FAT HUGE THANKS to Mister for all his hard weeding!!! One of the reasons I started a garden was to teach my kids to work. And that is work in itself. This summer I could prove to be the meanest mom on the block - but my kids will learn how to weed.

I have a HUGE quilting project under way, so I can't spend as much time as I'd like in the yard. Which is a bummer because these temperatures are perfect for yard work. But all in good time I guess. If I have to sweat buckets this summer, so be it. I have to get my inside project done.

Hope all is well with you all.

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