Saturday, August 6, 2011

What's up Bud...

Normally at some point throughout the day, I'll sit down to read or watch T.V. and Maggie is always next to me. This way she can take one of her 12 daily naps. She sleeps so much I wonder if she's really a cat trapped in a dogs body. But she's a people dog. Even when she's asleep and won't know if someone is around or not, she still wants someone by her. That someone is usually me. She'll settle for Mister or Buddy and once in a while Noodle - never Lewlew. I think Lewlew just loves Maggie too much. At any rate, Maggie gets zero sleep if Lewlew is too close. Anyway, one day I was busy doing house stuff and wasn't paying much attention to Maggie. When I went into Buddy's room, there Maggie was - sleeping on his bed. At least someone loved her this day. Poor little picked on dog.

Buddy went fishing with Mister. He put sunscreen on himself. Uhhhh, I think he missed a spot! He did catch 2 fish.

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