Monday, June 30, 2008

Americana Outfits Are Here

Many have asked where my kids Americana outfits for this year are. Well click on "my spare time" at the right and you'll see pictures. This year, I've really struggled getting them finished. I've been busy doing so much other stuff. Even though they weren't ready for Memorial Day or Flag Day, they are ready for the 4th of July! Yea!! I realize they aren't great pictures, but hopefully, I'll be able to get some better ones soon.


Jeni said...

Well, there wasn't any place for me to leave a comment on your brag blog. So I'll just leave one here! : )

Who knew after all those many torturous hours in Home Ec that you would turn into such a seamstress! Maybe they weren't torturous for you, but they sure were for me! Awesome work!

Kristin said...

Old Marg would be proud. I am very impressed.