Monday, November 17, 2008

Lewlew is 3!

Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Girl!!

Lewlew - the day she come home from the hospital. She was

so beautiful. She had great color and wasn't wrinkely and

absolutly NO cone head what so ever. Thank you C-section!

Lewlew and Mom - Avrie 6 weeks old

This is one of my very favorite pictures. I wish I had a

black top on though. Look at her rolls!

Lewlew 1 year old

I love her mouth in this picture. I reminds me of my

Grandpa Bud.

Lewlew 2 years old

Just look at her Budda Belly and pig tails. Her

hair really grew a lot from year 1 to year 2.

Lewlew 3 years old

Look at her grin. Pure sweetness or is it orneriness?

I made this dress as a model garment for Emma a

couple years ago.

I cannot believe your 3. The years have gone by WAY to fast. I had to stop and think about it to make sure you are really turning 3 and not 2. I know you're not a baby anymore, but you'll always be my baby. It took a long time getting you here, but we've enjoyed you every second. I'm SO glad you're apart of our family. You have brought much joy and love and laughter to our home. You are so dang sweet! You are either smiling or crying. I love when you like to snuggle with me. I love your hugs and kisses. I love your sweet voice. I just love you!!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Avrie! Three!? Boy the time flys!

Nancy said...

She's a cutie! Have fun being 3, Avrie.