Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Movie - revised

Please post a comment on this post and tell me what you thought of the Twilight movie. I'd just like to know what everyone thinks. I'll post my opinion later - I wouldn't want to impact your true opinion :-)
So go ahead, don't be shy. Tell me what you think....

OK since it appears no one else is going to post their opinion, here is my opinion...

I like it. I thought the actors did really well. I wasn't sure about Rob Pattinson, but in the end, I thought he did really good. Same with Bella. I thought Kristen did a great job. There were definitely corny parts, but there was in the book too. (On a side not about Kristen, I hope she doesn't follow in Nikki Reed's shoes. Nikki is kind of a skank - unless she's cleaned up her image that last few years. Kristen has a lot going for her and I don't want her to end up like Lindsay Lohan or one of "those" girls.") My favorite actor is probably Kellan Lutz, aka Emmett. He did a fabulous job. He's such a jokester in real life and quite the dare devil too. But I thought he nailed his part. When he first made his appearance I looked over at Val and said "Uhh Damn." I think my favorite scene is when Bella and Edward made their relationship public at school - when everyone was looking at them.
There were only 3 things that I really didn't like.
1. I didn't like how stiff Jasper was. That was annoying.
2. I didn't like how Bella wore panties for jammies. In the book she always wore old sweats.
3. I didn't like how Carlise told Edward to quit sucking Bella's blood. In the book he was strong enough.

All in all, I really liked it. I'm excited for New Moon - which they will begin filming in March or April. They will have a bigger budget too. I really hope New Moon does super good so they will have the budget for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. I have heard they are going to do Eclipse, but I haven't heard anything about Breaking Dawn. Stephenie did say she didn't know if Breaking Dawn could be made into a single movie. But if Titanic was 3 hours long Breaking Dawn can be that long. I say - Go for it!!


A Few Tacos Shy... said...

I laughed a lot. I mean A LOT! I had so much fun but it was not because it was a good movie!

I reviewed it on my blog and I can't wait to read your review :-)

Tuttles said...

Yeah we were laughing quite a bit. The parts were funny but we were also having a good time and just happy to be there. I didn't go in with any expectation so I wouldn't be really let down. For the most part I really liked it. I do LOVE that Edward. I had my doubts but I thought he was great. It was cheesy in parts but it was cheesy in the book too. I liked it overall. I'm going to see it again tonight with Taylor! So I must have liked it!

Unknown said...

I liked it. I think that Bella wasn't as good as she could have been. I was aprehensive about that Edward and he actually did a lot better to me than Bella. I liked it though! And I will be seeing it again. I know I will!

Jeni said...

Hopefully I'll actually get to see this someday!

j e s s i e said...

I thought it was cheesy. But Edward is hot, so, I liked it! I can't help but want to see it again just to see him again.