Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Weekend

Halloween went well for us. The kids had a party and costume parade at school - which they loved. As ewe were getting ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's, Buddy got mad and threw a fit and said he didn't want to go. After much arguing and being very belligerent, I said he would stay home with me. So Hubs took the girls trick or treating. Buddy and I sat on our porch (without coats on) and handed out treats. After Buddy got the idea that the little kids can pick their treat but the big kids could not, I started raking leaves and trying to clear out some of the dead stuff. I tried to burn a pile, but apparently it wasn't dry enough because it didn't burn. But it was such a nice night. I NEVER remember a Halloween where we didn't have to wear at least a jacket. The girls and Hubs came home with more candy that I would like, but they all had a good time. (I didn't take pictures this night because I already did - see the post way below.)

The next day - Saturday - the whole family went to the cabin for the day. It had been years since Mandi has been and she wanted to see all the changes. We had lunch and messed around for a while and then came home. It was kinda nice. I got to follow Eric around and see how to turn on the electricity and water and how to drain it and make it winter ready again. That was kinda fun - since I had NO idea. I like doing things like that with Eric - he cracks me up. He's so knowledgeable about things like that.

Mandi left on Sunday. And now our life is back to normal. Lewlew doesn't seem to be feeling very well. She keeps spiking a fever. But then after some medicine, it goes away for a day and then it comes back. She has her appetite back so I'm not too worried.

So I guess that's the happenings for us. Not really too much!


Nancy said...

What a fun Halloween weekend! We had really nice weather as well. It's starting to get cold now and I'm sad.

Kristin said...

Sound like you guys had a nice weekend. The weather was great here too.