Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Buddy and noodle are doing good in school - so far. Mrs. Craft told me Buddy gives her a hug almost everyday. She said he's a sweet boy. He likes school ok - but doesn't love it. He hate that at lunch he can't have seconds on the main course (pizza) until everyone has been served. I keep telling him he needs to eat the other things on his tray.

Noodle loves kindergarten. She loves Mrs. Robinough. She loves the kids in her class. I wonder how long it will last. Hopefully longer than it did with Buddy.

There are some things I'll miss with the kids in school. Here are a few:

- the kids being able to lounge around in their jammies until whatever time

- not having to worry about the time

- not having to do homework, after school clubs, etc.

What I WON'T miss:

- the doorbell ringing 22 times a day

- "Mom can I..." 17 times a day

- 12 outfits a day because they are too hot or got wet or whatever!

I'm glad for changes. About the time I get really tired of the heat, fall comes and it cools off. About the time I'm so sick of cold I could scream, spring comes and it warms up. (I am thankful we live where the seasons change. I always say this weather (what we are having right now - in the 70's) is Celestial weather, but I wonder if I would get tired of it after a few years. I don't know. It's never stay around long enough for me to be ready for it to change.) It the same with summer break. I get tired (just like the kids) of homework and having to work around school schedules etc. So summer break is welcome. But then I am ready for them to go back. So it all evens out.

Lewlew and I are having fun going on bike rides (the bike trailer is SO much lighter without Noodle!) and playing. She's a little sweetie and a great companion for me. We talk about all kinds of stuff. She has her own language and a lot of time I can't understand her, but we talk a lot. I don't know what I'll do when she starts school in 2010!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to get Ben into a preschool. We are thinking in the spring we will put him in.