Thursday, September 25, 2008

Weather & Potty Training

This weather is killing me. It's like we're having an Indian Summer. It's in the mid to upper 80's. When my aunt was here from Colorado, she said it has already frozen there! Then we have some pretty chilly days and now it's upper 80's. Go figure. I'm trying to enjoy it. Cold weather is on the way. Maybe this means we'll have a really WET winter?? Wishful thinking???

So Lewlew can sing many songs, she can transform some of Buddy's transformers, she has a few books memorized but she won't consistantly potty in the toilet. Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Is it the weather?? It's so annoying! She's smart, she knows (at least I think so) but she won't do it! Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Unknown said...

That's a hard one! Have tried prizes or something? Ben was scared to #2 so we used potty treats and then the circus if he went a week straight with no accidents. It worked really well. It's so frustrating though. And time consuming! Hang in there. One day she will just decide that she want's too.

Jeni said...

My best advice is to just wait until she's ready. The more frustrated you get the more frustrated she'll get. Take the pressure off of yourself and her and just let her decide on her own. Talk it up and have the older ones do the same and she'll follow eventually. I am NOT looking forward to potty training another one! Good luck!