Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hubs took Buddy and Noodle fishing yesterday. I don't have any pictures because he didn't take the camera and I forgot to take pictures of them with their fish when they got home. No need to lecture me about it, I feel bad enough! Anyway, they got to their spot and Hubs got Noodle all set up. 10 minutes later, she pulled one in. Then 20 minutes later, Buddy pulled one in. Then the wind started blowing and they got cold. So Bret suggested they go home, but they didn't want to because Hubs hadn't caught a fish. He said, "O, I don't need to catch a fish this time. I've caught many fish before." Then they were more than ready to leave. I was so glad each of them got a fish. It was exciting for them. Noodle ate some of the fish without any question. Buddy, didn't even want to try a bite. But yet, he wants to go again. Who knows. Maybe next time he'll eat some and like it!

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