Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This is such a random post that even IF you finish reading it, you'll probably think Sandi needs some serious meds!
So I was sweeping today and I had a flashback to my freshman year in high school. I was in home ec class with Mrs. Margie Reed. Remember her?? Anyway, class was almost over and we had to clean our kitchens. I grabbed our broom and put the dust pan on the cupboard. Mrs. Reed politely told me that it wasn't good to put the dust pan on the cupboard. The dust pan was dirty and it was gross to put it on a clean cupboard. Of course she was right. Of course my "duh" freshman mind, I didn't even think about that. Well believe me, I have NEVER put the dust pan on the cupboard again!
I know, I'm weird. It amazes me how much I think about dumb things like that. What does that mean - that I often think of the past?? Anyway - enough of that!!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Ha!! I don't think that makes you crazy. I do the same thing. I often think about the time I dropped the Corel dish in Home Ec and she had everyone gather around to see what it looks like when Corel shatters. I haven't broken very many (if any!) dishes since then either.