Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today was the first day of school for Buddy and Noodle. Buddy is in 3rd grade with Mrs. Wardle and Noodle is in 1st grade with Mrs. Gurr. So I am at home from 8/AM until 2:15/PM with Lewlew. I must say, I didn't want school to start. I like the easy, laid back schedule of summer. But I'm sure I would get tired of it eventually. It's good for them to go back and have a more strict schedule and of course to learn. They are on the early track - 8:00 - 2:15. The later track is 9:15 to 3:30. I'm not sure which is worse. The 8:00 is difficult (I know, cry me a river) but we're a "sleep in" type of family. But the 3:30 is a killer too. Buddy seems to do better on the early track so that's what we went with. It's hard to see half the class leave at 2:15 while the other half stays for another hour and 15 minutes - even though they got to school an hour and 15 minutes later. I can't say that I blame him. And I SURE wasn't going to have them on 2 different schedules! We're just going to have to adapt - of course I'm saying that more to me than to them. Wish us luck - especially me - we're going to need it!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I can't believe it is already school time again!! Chance goes back on the 31st but after this week I think I am ready all they did was fight and that gets a little hard on mom after a while. Good luck with the schedule. And the kids looked darling for the fist day.