Thursday, August 6, 2009

So funny...

Noodle was talking to my mom the other night. She said something like, "I know what I'm going to get your for your birthday, Nana" Nana: "You do?" Noodle: "When is your birthday?" Nana: "Next month." Noodle: "Well, I'll just tell you because you'll forget by then anyway. I'm getting you a mini tea set." This is the first I heard of Noodle's idea - but it's a good one. Besides, my mom will forget before her birthday anyway, right??? We got a good laugh on that one! The next day, my mom stood up and limped. Noodle said, "Nana, you're just falling apart, aren't you??" First my mom won't remember then she's falling apart. Noodle, you're funny!

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