Monday, August 10, 2009

Memory Lane Monday

This is my great-great-great Aunt Daisy. She was my grandma's great aunt. She was born Dec 1895 and died May 1976. There are so many stories about her - but here are just a few. Her husband was a JERK. He was an alcoholic and was somewhat abusive to Aunt Daisy - especially after they lost their babies. They had 1 baby boy that only lived 2 or 3 days, a baby girl and a baby boy that were still born. She raised a garden every summer, milked a cow and had chickens. For breakfast she liked dry toast and a fried egg. She had a fence full of sweat peas. She was quite short and could be quite the fireball when she wanted too. She worked hard all of her life - but life was different back then. The year she was born, her dad made her a cupboard. When she died, my mom got that cupboard and now I have it in my living room. It's not fancy, but it's an antique and it was hers and I love it. I love Aunt Daisy and the stories that go with her. I like family history and to hear or read stories about loved ones past. I'm glad my mom does geneology because I don't!!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Cute Aunt Daisy. I hope I'm that cute when I'm that age. I loved her name.