Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to Mom's Everywhere!!!

What is your favorite thing about your mom?

Buddy: She's nice to me.

Noodle: She makes me clothes.

Lewlew: She cooks cookies.

Sandi: Her testimony

Mister: She's very empathetic.

Bestie: How organized she was
Mac: She doesn't miss the details

What are some other things you like about your mom?

Buddy: She's nice to me. She takes care of me. She fixes food for me. It's creepy how she can type and look at me at the same time. She helps me find things. She likes what I like sometimes. She lets me do stuff. She likes to decorate. She helps me with my homework.

Noodle: She loves me. She makes me good food. She sews me lots of clothes. She's pretty. She's nice. She has great hair. She dresses pretty.

Lewlew: She plants flowers. She takes me to school. She stayed with me at the hospital. She fixes me lunch.

Sandi: She's practical. She's a great cook. She's loyal.

Mister: She's one of the most loving, caring individuals who stands by me no matter what.

Bestie: She was honest. Hard worker. I loved how she loved her kids. She was dedicated to her family.
Mac: Her drink mix, spunky attitude, she's very organized and clean,

What is the your favorite things she cooks?
Buddy: Pizza (This one cracks me up because I pull it out of the box and put it in the oven!)
Noodle: Pot stickers
Lewlew: She cooks me taquitos.
Sandi: Fried Chicken
Mister: BBQ Turkey
Bestie: Stew
Mac: Taco soup

What don't you like about your mom?
Buddy: She's talks on the phone too much and she makes me pull weeds.
Noodle: She makes me do chores.
Lewlew: She grounds me.
Sandi: Her lack of patience.
Mister: She's the most empathetic person I know.
Bestie: She wasn't communicative. She left and didn't say good-bye.
Mac: Nothing - she's the best!

Anything else about your mom?
Buddy: She's the best mom in the world and no mom could ever replace her.
Noodle: I love her so so so so so so so much.
Lewlew: She loves me and I feel her in my heart.
Sandi: She's very giving and considerate!
Mister: She loves football. She knows how to throw a party.
Bestie: I miss her.
Mac: I love her so much and am so proud of her.

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