Saturday, May 14, 2011

What do you think?

I grew up in a small community. Our entire county did not have a stop light. 5 towns consolidated to make a middle school and high school. So suffice it to say, the extra curricular classes were limited. But I've never been a huge "go to school" person. Because I kept my grades up, my mom gave me 1 "free day" every 9 weeks, meaning she would excuse me from school and I could do whatever I wanted. I usually saved these for the last month of school. We never, ever, NEVER, EVER, went to school after Memorial Day. Never. Ever. Really. Back when I was in school, we had Labor Day off if we started before Labor Day, Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break and Spring Break. We may have had MLK and President's Day off, but I'm not 100% sure. But never did we go to school after Memorial Day - I've already stated that. Well fast foreword a few years. My kids are in school in a different state. They always start before Labor Day, have some break in October, Thanksgiving and Christmas Break, MLK, President's Day, something in March, Spring Break and then sometimes Memorial Day - meaning they are supposed to go back to school after Memorial Day. WHAT?!?!? Are you kidding me?? For some reason this year it's bugging me more than ever. I just cannot wrap my head around sending my kids back to school after Memorial Day. It's so wrong to me! I'm not a fan of the last week of school anyway - I know no matter when the last day of school is, there will always be a "last week of school" but really. It's such a waste of time! All it is is busy work and I really hate busy work. (It seems that's all Noodle has had the past couple months - busy work and I have a real problem with that. Her teacher isn't challenging her and she's getting bored. Not a good thing!) Here's the schedule for the last week of school: Monday - Off, Memorial Day, Tuesday - Thursday regular hours. Friday 8:00 to 9:15 or some ridiculous thing. So here's my question. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being really really bad) how bad would it be if I kept my kids home on possibly Wednesday, but for sure Thursday and Friday of the last week of school because we are going camping? Give me your honest answer. Thank you for your time!


Amanda said...

I don't know if it is because I grew up in manassa too or what. This has always bugged me with my daugther going to school. She is out a few days before memorial day thank goodness but she has busy work and I feel like what is the last few weeks of school worth goingto, but just to count her attendance. Really annoying. I would totally do what you are doing. Ashyn is missing this friday because my husband can't the memorial weekend off and we want a weekend together. She probably won't go to school the last day because they are having a movie day! what? I say go for it and don't feel guilty at all!

Jesse said...

Like you said, the last week will always be a last week. I think the teachers make it easy because the kids are not going to be productive regardless.... We have missed the last day a couple of times because of weddings and so forth. My oldest is excited to not be missing any days that week (he is wanting 100% attendance) and not missing out on parties or yearbook signings.
Ask your kids what they think if you want to know. I think when they are younger it isn't as crucial. I wouldn't take them out just because you don't like the policy, but if you have camping already planned, I say hey, why not.

Michelle said...

Its not like they are actually doing anything important - and they are only in elementary where the last month of school they aren't really going to be doing much anyways besides busy work - so if you are going to go camping go camping - the only thing they would miss is yearbooks (which we NEVER had in elementary when I was that age)