Thursday, June 30, 2011

Carmel Sauce

Here's the recipe for the carmel sauce that I use in Knock Your Socks Off Cake. I don't have pictures of how to make it. It's really not the hard to visualize! It's extremely low fat and you should have no feelings of guilt when consuming this yummyness!

Boil 1 Cup of Brown Sugar (packed) and 2/3 Cup of Karo Syrup to *soft ball stage. Careful, it doesn't take very long - like 6 or 7 minutes is all - maybe 10. You might have to test it a couple of times. That's ok. Then add 1/4 Cup Butter (Not Margarine). When it's melted, turn off heat and add 3/4 Cup Evaporated Milk. Stir together. Wait a minute or 2, then pour into bowl and store in fridge. (Warm it up when you're ready to use it.) Then lick the spoon and pan. You won't be sorry! That's it. You're done and it's divine. You can use it for the cake, ice cream, by itself, whatever you want!

*Soft ball stage: Put a dab of sauce in a bowl of cold water. Clump it together with your fingers, if it turn to a soft ball - you're done.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Mmmmmm, now I totally need some cake. Thanks a lot!