Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Ups of life...

A continuation from "The downs of life..."

*Don't you love it when your child gives you a hug unexpected?

*Don't you love it when you get an email from someone you haven't heard from in a long time and you're able to catch up and stay connected?

*Don't you love it when you pick your first tomato of the season?

*Don't you love it when you get an unexpected bonus in your paycheck?

*Don't you love it when you think you have so much to do but when you walk in the door and your kids have done much of it for you?

*Don't you love it when you hold a brand new baby - even if it's not your own?

*Don't you just love to talk to your bestie?

*Don't you love it when nothing has gone right and you feel your world crumbling and you're not sure you can stand one more minute and your husband whisks you away from reality and for a few moments everything is right in the world and you drift off to sleep and wake knowing you can tackle almost anything?

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