Saturday, June 25, 2011

We went for a ride up A.F. Canyon. It was so lush and green. It really was beautiful.

We drove by Tibble Fork Res. Sheesh! There was a lot of water in this little reservoir! And more to come, no doubt.

See that tree in the middle by that reddish brown vehicle? It was surrounded by water. You could see no island that it was on. The snow on the mountain seems so out of place. It will melt in the coming weeks, but usually, it's already melted. This is one indication of not only how cool we've been but also how much we got last winter/spring.

It's really hard to take a picture of fast moving water. But take my word for it, it was moving so fast it was nothing by white water rapids! No wonder 5 people in two weeks have died in these waters! There are flood warnings all over our state - and it's only just begun. Hold on to your lug nuts, it's only just begun. There's still alot of snow left. In fact, all of the campgrounds in the SLC area are still closed. Most of ours are open, but there's still some snow around.

You could see where it has splashed on the road. The dirt on the side of the road was wet.

Ever seen water coming right out of the mountain side? Me, either. This was so interesting to me. It is, obviously, snow melt. I don't know how I thought the melted snow, water, made it to the rivers, lakes and streams, but this didn't enter my mind.

This little brook was about 12" to 16" deep. IT was supposed to be in the river on the other side of the road, but apparently the snow melt didn't get the memo.

Then the kids fell asleep on the way home. Amen.

PS They are buckled in a weird tangled sort of way.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Oh how I miss mountains! So pretty. You are so lucky to just be able to take a drive up there!!! LOVE that picture of all the kiddos crashed - hilarious!