Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My mom took the day off last Friday, so we took the kids to the Discovery Park. We love that park. It's different from the standard parks. There's a lot more to do and see and play.

For those of you who know Buddy, this was amazing. This was the first time I've seen him do the monkey bar things and I was astonished! This just isn't him. I don't know when he learned, but he went across several times. He made me proud!

Of course Noodle wasn't to be out done. But I've seen her do this for a while now. She's a daredevil and will try almost anything. She's very determined. When she set her mind to cross the monkey bars - she did. She makes me proud!

This is how Lewlew did the monkey bars. I was surprised to see her swing out beyond the step. But she did. She's in between Buddy and Noodle when it comes to bravery and daredevil things. She made me proud!

Then all three of them tackled this mini merry go round. They had a lot of fun on this one!

They are standing/sitting on this disk thing, and then they spin it with the top disk thing. They got it going pretty fast at one point. They really had fun. Glad no one fell off! They made me proud.

So much pride is not good. What to do, what to do??? They make me happy!

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