Monday, March 5, 2012

Buddy's New Diet

Buddy has always been a bit of a hypochondriac and I wasn't sure how much of what he was complaining was true. I thought that he might have a small stomach ache, but was it enough to keep him from doing his chores, school, etc. Was he just using this to get out of doing things. I just didn't really give him much credit. I know, I'm "Mom of the Year." We started seeing a doctor around November, but wasn't having much luck. He had a CAT scan and ultrasoudn in December that resulted in "everything is normal." We had an appointment with a pediatric edno something ologist for February 22 in hopes to find out what wrong. On a whim, we decided to try gluten free until the doc apt. just to see what would happen. So the beginning of February, we started Buddy on a gluten free diet to see if that would help his stomach problems he's been having. He complains constantly of his stomach and has constipation. We took him off gluten on Saturday the 4th and on Monday, we could see a real difference. After a week, he was running and being a normal annoying 11 yr. old - something we've not seen since last spring. We took him to his regular chiropractor who also deal with alternate medicine. He was all excited when we told him what we were doing. He gave us some meds to try with Buddy that have actually reversed the effects of Chrones and IBS. We are hopeful at the end of the meds, Buddy will be able to tolerate some gluten, just not was much as he is used to. We feel encouraged by this finding and encouraged by Buddy's change. However....
Preparing gluten free things is not only a challenge for me, it's EXPENSIVE! Because it's becoming more popular, gluten free things are easier to find and purchase, just not cheaper. So I only buy thing that are necessary and prepare his portion of the meal without gluten products. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's not. But it's worth it. He's doing so much better!


Ammy said...

There is a group about Celeiac disease that I am on on Facebook...join it! SHe is always talking about how to prepare gluten free foods. I do it A LOT! Just because it is healthier.

Ammy said...

it's Celiac Scoop and
They have lots and lots of really good tips!

katalc said...

I have a few friends that for the sake of their children's health have had to switch to Gluten-free. I know one in particular who has great recipes.... Would you like her contact info?