Friday, March 2, 2012

It Hit Us Again...

This is such a continuous loop, I don't even know where to begin. On Tuesday, (2/21) one of Buddy's teachers called and said he wasn't feeling well and could I come pick him up. So I did. But I really didn't feel like he was sick enough to be home. So I told him no TV, toys, computer, games, anything. The only thing he could do was sit on the couch and read. I was upset with him. I could tell he wasn't that sick. He just had a cough and he went to school the next day and swimming with the scouts that night. On Thursday (2/23) I started to not feel quite well. Not sick, but not well. But I was determined not to get sick because my mom and I had a special weekend planned with the girls. On Friday, I didn't feel good. I was congested in my chest and had a full nose. Not a runny nose, just stuffed. But I wasn't going to let a little cold stand in our way of fun. Bret was taking the scouts and Buddy to a cabin for a "camp out" and the girls were going to have a "Girls Night Out." We didn't tell the girls what we had planned. As soon as the boys left, so did we. We stopped to get dinner and some snacks - the whole time the girls guessing and begging us to tell them. Finally we pulled up to a hotel and they screamed in delight! They were so excited. We checked in and ate dinner. Then we promptly went swimming. The indoor pool was supposed to be heated, but apparently the heater was broke, so we played in the very hot tub! Noodle braved the cold swimming pool for a few minutes at a time, even going under water. Lewlew got in to about her waste. I got in to my knees. It was COLD! After playing for a while, we went back to our room, the girls bathed, then we watched TV and then went to sleep. I didn't sleep well. I wasn't feeling good and something kept me up. (I won't say who was snoring!) So on Saturday, we got up and helped ourselves to the continental breakfast. It was pretty good. Then we packed up and came home. O how I wish we would have taken the girls swimming one more time - but I didn't feel good at all. We got home, unpacked and I took a 3 hr. nap! I kept taking meds to help with the congestion but by Saturday night, I was in a bad way. The boys got home and had a great time. They ate well, stayed up late and went sledding. But they were pretty tired.
Monday morning, Lewlew woke up and came into our room. She said she didn't feel good and then threw up. She stayed home Monday and Tuesday. She felt better Monday evening, but I didn't think that she had felt good for long enough, so I kept her home Tuesday. On Wednesday morning about 3:00, Noodle woke up, made it to the bathroom (luckily) and threw up. About a half an hour later, I did the same thing. Luckily all of the times we each threw up, we weren't in the bathroom the same time. It's been a long time since I've barfed, amazing - my body didn't forget how! Of all the things to throw up, Taco Soup has to be one of the worst! So Noodle stayed home Wednesday, Thursday and today. Yesterday, the school called and said Buddy just threw up and could I come get him. So he's home today too.
This seems like such a funny story, except that it's real and it's SO not funny! So if you're wondering what we're up to - this is it. This has been BY FAR the worst few months of sickness for our family that we have EVER had!

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