Friday, March 9, 2012

Political Thoughts

What are your thoughts on the GOP Candidates? Seriously, does Newt even stand a chance of a comeback? If not, why is he still hanging in there? Does a Republican stand a chance against Obama? Will a new president REALLY make that much of a difference? Who do you think has the best chance at being on the ballot in November? Who do you think will be our next president? Not who are you voting for, who do you think will win?

Reasons why I don't like "voting" years...

*It year seems to drag on forever because that's all you hear about! It's like being pregnant. I found that the longer I waited to share my good news, the faster the pregnancy went. "Yep, I'm already 18 weeks pregnant. Almost 1/2 way there! (Not that I could ever physically wait that long to tell anyone. I showed WAY too early) But you get what I'm saying.
*They interrupt programs to bring you updates. Who cares about updates? Just tell me the end result!
*The soliciting phone calls. Seriously? Trump just endorsed Romney and you want me to make a donation? Ya right!
*They all fall short in at least 1 area. Never has any 1 candidate had it all. (Gosh! I'd hate to think I was perfect!) And yet they think they are the greatest thing that has ever walked the face of the earth. "Yes, let's outlaw birth control." Are you kidding me???
*The commercials. The never ending, long streaming, ever repeating, obnoxious commercials.
*I'm not political at all! I don't do a ton of research on the runners. I don't loudly support one over the other. I don't get all upset if something doesn't go right. My opinion - my teeny, tiny vote doesn't matter a hill of beans in the grand picture! It is what it is and we all have to live here and just deal with the repercussions. Could I do a better job? Heck no! That's why I'm not running. Do I have grand tips that would help this country? Heck no! I'm just one tiny little drop in the bucket. Plus, I'm not all super educated. I'm just simple minded me. I only know what I know. Now, I have a sister in law that is super political. When she starts talking politics to me, my eyes glaze over, her voice sounds like the teacher on Charlie Brown and I start thinking of vacations, a laundry free life, how I can get my veggies to grow better, what it would be like to be a size 8 again, napping, and the list goes on. Then I jump at the chance to break away and do dishes. Don't get me wrong. I love her and she's not dumb - she knows I am politically dumb and never talks to me about politics. I'm just saying this is what would happen if she did.

Why do you like or dislike voting years?

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Couple of comments:

- I didn't know I was super political...I'd prefer "super awesome" but I'll take what I can get. :)

- I don't think you're politically dumb!

- Yes- your vote does matter! If you don't take the opportunity to register your opinion and do your part then you give up the right to complain about the state of the government for the next four years! I figure if people around the world can go stand in line for hours past guys with guns in deathly heat then I can drive up the street and wait 30 minutes in air conditioning to cast my vote.