Friday, March 16, 2012

Maggie Rae Tuttle

I know I've talked a little bit about Maggie but I want to devote an entire post about her!
We love her because:
*She is so loyal. I am her first pick and I love that!
*She doesn't bark. Seriously! The only time we hear her bark is when we have come home from somewhere and she sees us pull in, we'll here her barking. As soon as the door is open, she stops.
*She like human contact. She LOVES to sleep, but she really loves to sleep when she laying next to someone.
*She likes to go...anywhere. We don't take her a ton, but we do take her with us sometimes and she loves it - as long as she's on my lap.
*Most of the time I call her "Maggie Waggie Wae" and I talk for her sometimes, too. Ya, I'm that weird!
We do NOT like:
*Her breath! It will make your eyes tear, it is that fierce! We adopted her from a rescue shelter and her previous owners did not do well with her oral health. But it's not bad unless you smell it!

We LOVE that she is a part of our family!

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