Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy 9th Birthday

Today is my amazing daughter's 9th birthday. Wow, has 9 years flown by! I say that with every one of my kids' birthdays. I just cannot believe how fast time has gone!

 For her birthday, she has opted for me to NOT take her to lunch like we did last year, but rather wants me to bring donuts for her class. She has invited 3 friends to join her at Nickel City for games and laser tag. After that, we'll meet the family at Arby's for dinner, cake and gifts. This whole day was her plan!

 My daughter is:
*Adventurous - she wants a rip stick for her birthday. Her favorite ride at Disney was Splash Mountain.
*Daring - she'll try almost anything. We went roller skating last night and there was this guy there who was incredible on his skates. She went right up to him and told him so!

*Beautiful - I have NO idea where she got her looks from :)
*Kind - She looks around to see who doesn't have a friend and she tries to befriend them.
*Responsible - I trust her to watch her little sister (and big brother, for that matter) for an hour or so.

*Funny - she makes me laugh all the time!
*Polite - She calls me her best friend.
*Considerate - My son lost his bouncy ball so she tried to make him - just to make him feel better.

*A Singer - She won a karaoke contest when she was younger and now she's in a choir group and loves it!
*Thoughtful - She is constantly making cards and notes for us
*Babysitter - She is naturally drawn to kids and likes to inner act with them.

*A Dancer - She watched "Footloose" and immediately got on You Tube to see if she could learn how to do the line dance in that movie.
*A Great Sister - Her sister wants to come to her "friend party" tonight. I'm sure Noodle will give in and let her come - just so Lewlew doesn't feel sad.
*Creative - She made a Barbie dress out of a sock!

*Accessorizes - She's a true girl!
*Smart - She's getting great grades!
*An all around amazing person and everyday I'm thankful she's mine!

I put her to bed one night and she looked like this (about 1 yr old). But the next morning when we got up something happened. Something like 8 years had passed...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How sweet and cute! The time really does just go to quickly!!